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Worker on steam roller paving trench after water mains installed

史蒂文斯溪大道. Pipeline Replacement Project

San Jose Water (SJW) is committed to providing reliable drinking water to its 客户s. Maintaining and upgrading our distribution system is one way to make sure water is available to you each time you turn on the tap.

Part of our yearly $100 million infrastructure investment includes replacing 2100’ of 16” cast iron main with new ductile iron mains on 史蒂文斯溪大道. between Winchester Blvd and Highway 880/17. This project includes the new lateral service lines to businesses along the route.

更新- 2022年5月31日

This key infrastructure project is progressing. Recently, the 16" water main installation has begun. Starting westbound at Monroe, the project will continue to Winchester Blvd. Traffic controls in the area have been in place to keep workers, drivers, and pedestrians safe. The working hours on the project have shifted to 6 AM to 3:30 PM to minimize the impact on traffic in the area. The retail stores commonly open at 10 AM so we are trying to get our work done as early as possible to help mitigate the impacts on local businesses. 

View of water main in open trench
Trench with water main and gravel in street view.


Dump truck emptying black top to trench in street
Workers in street within cone zone with traffic flowing


SJW will be replacing the existing and aging potable water infrastructure on 史蒂文斯 Creek Boulevard in the City of San Jose and City of Santa Clara. Customers located along the affected streets will experience intermittent impacts related to the work. Those impacts include periodic water outages and increased traffic due to lane closures to accommodate work.

Where is the work happening?

The water main replacement work will primarily affect 史蒂文斯 Creek Boulevard in short stretches between Winchester Boulevard and Highway 880/17.



The project will begin mid-March 2022 and is expected to be completed in August 2022. 


For our 客户s and neighbors in the immediate project area, a Construction Notification will be placed on your door (doorhanger) approximately one week prior to contractor mobilization to the site. The work will be sequenced to minimize interruption of the water service we provide. 在施工期间, it may become necessary to temporarily interrupt your water service in order to connect the new pipe to existing facilities. You will receive an additional notification through a doorhanger a minimum of two days in advance of any planned interruption lasting more than 20 minutes. The doorhanger will inform you of the day, time, and duration of the planned water outage.

SJWC and its contractors will take all appropriate steps to create the least amount of disturbance to the surrounding areas while performing this important pipeline replacement project. We will employ the best available practices to minimize inconveniences to our neighbors without compromising work site safety for the crews and the public during construction.

There will be temporary message boards, traffic control measures which may include flagmen and other workers directing traffic to ensure the safe passage of all citizens and for the safety of our workers. Minor delays in accessibility to driveways can be expected but will be minimized whenever possible.

Why is this work being done?

SJW has maintained a long-standing tradition of providing a high quality and reliable water supply coupled with exceptional 客户 service. 为此目的, we are constantly maintaining and improving our facilities to meet this challenge and the needs of our 客户s and the community at-large. This project is funded through water rates and will improve system reliability and fire protection in the area. The new facilities have improved material properties that will provide reliable service for the next century.

Who to call for more information?

If you have project-related questions or concerns call SJWC 客户 service at (408) 279-7900 or email 客户.service@3821beverlyridge.com. To more efficiently serve you, please reference the project number (J1-080) with any inquiries concerning the project.